It's true, there really are. Roll them Dungeons & Dragons-style to determine the outcomes of mundane household endeavors! Succeed or fail in comically exaggerated ways while you strive to overcome your inner doubts about your ability to function as an adult.


Special thanks to Dialogic for continuing to be rad to use, and Pixabay for the dice roll and alarm clock sounds! Stock backgrounds aren't mine, but sprites and music are by me :D


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I love this so much, the art stlye the way the game starts the music, this is just straight up awesome, i also find very amusing the way the game takes the main character worries, and comforts him, but at the same time guiding him into a better future, just an awesome game 💖


Really, really lovely. The theme was incredibly wholesome and sweet, relatable and quite funny. And the art and music were real treats– I had a smile on my face the entire time!

Most importantly, I am incredible at riding the skateboard down the stairs and making my bed. :)

Wonderful work.